(knock knock)
It was maddening. And, at the same time, oddly comforting.
(knock knock)
Every 25 seconds like clockwork, she rapped softly on the trap door above me. Never louder or quieter, never one knock or three. Two knocks every 25 seconds.
Weird Fiction for the Bold
(knock knock)
It was maddening. And, at the same time, oddly comforting.
(knock knock)
Every 25 seconds like clockwork, she rapped softly on the trap door above me. Never louder or quieter, never one knock or three. Two knocks every 25 seconds.
OCTOBER 12, 2094 – Found a can of Hormel Chili in the burned out hull of an elementary school cafeteria. Used to love this stuff as a kid. Couldn’t find a can opener—lost mine the other day, which is insane because I almost ALWAYS keep it on a chain around my neck—but I got it…